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Drop Not™ Golf is Founded on Designing Purposeful Golf Products that Work!

Drop Not™ Golf is Founded on Designing Purposeful Golf Products that Work!

Mitch Adler, is the inventor and founder of Drop Not Golf LLC. He sold his Flooring and Window Covering Company in San Diego, California, and retired. Mitch's plan was to enjoy his newfound time (freedom) doing what he enjoyed most ... spending time with his family and improving his golf game!

Mitch found it difficult being simply retired. "Covid gave me a special opportunity to enjoy my family at home again and while I love golf immensely, I soon realized that even with all the time in the world, I simply was not going to become a scratch golfer!".

On one of many days on the golf course, while walking along with his wife in her golf cart, he noticed that he had lost two head covers somewhere along the way. He angrily shouted, "Sh-t I am missing two head covers!" To which his wife said, "Maybe the cart guys didn't have them on all your clubs when we started?".

Mitch's passion for golf and his desire to make the game easier, propelled him to design a device so that every golfer would never lose a head cover again! Thus, Drop Not was created to solve this age-old problem. Mitch says he wanted to create a small discrete device, that was "golf sharp", that had a retractable durable cord that would allow the golfers the option to remove the head cover while either the club was "in or out" of the golf bag. It had to incorporate a clasp that would lock securely onto the head cover and be anchored to the golf bag so that the released head cover would hang safely on the side of the bag.

With this initial design list, Mitch set off to work. After many designs and months of trials, Drop Not, the world's smallest Retractable Golf Lanyard was created! Drop Not's motto and tagline is "Never Lose Your Head Cover Again!".

Mitch points out, that when you combine his Drop Not device with the club's head cover, "You will protect your club's highly designed technical face" as he states " A banged, dented, damaged club face on your putter or driver, will not give you the same results as a new undamaged model". With the price of golf clubs increasing substantially, why not protect your investment in your golf gear?

As Mitch says" Focus on your swing! Focus on your golf game! Never worry about losing a head cover again!"